As the home automation market grows further, we are faced with a seemingly endless list of new products promising perfect plug-and-play functionality.

But is home automation DIY the right solution for you?

Or would hiring a professional give you the best outcome?

  1. What are your needs?

If you are happy with a basic smart thermostat or Amazon Echo, you won’t need to worry about calling in the pros. However, what if you want a more complex system or even fully automate your home?

  1. Is your prime driver convenience or security?

This will, to a large extent, inform the type of system you build out.

  1. Time to think about the installation side of things

This will allow you to budget accurately before you start buying equipment and getting set up.

Getting things clear at this stage can save you a great deal of money and headaches later down the line so it is worth spending the time on it.